Cumulus, Altocumulus, Cirrocumulus and Cirrus clouds

Cumulus, Altocumulus, Cirrocumulus and Cirrus clouds photographed on a day with increasing wind strength. The weather pictures was taken on September 21, 2009, in the morning and just before noon local time in Odense city, Denmark.

Cirrocumulus cloud cover

In the image below taken at 9.40 AM local time, you see high altitude Cirrocumulus clouds. This is the type of cloud system that can display awesome patterns in the sky. One should think this kind of weather phenomenon is based on a vibration/frequency? According to NWS, this is the visualization of the chemical process where supercooled water is freezing to ice.

Cirrocumulus cloud cover

In the above photo, we are looking west. Wind speed is 7 mph in south south-west direction.

Altocumulus and Cirrocumulus cloud systems

In the image below taken at 9.41 AM local time, you see medium altitude Altocumulus to the mid-left in the photo and high altitude Cirrocumulus clouds covering the most of the upper photo…

Altocumulus and Cirrocumulus cloud systems

In the above photo, we are looking south-west. Wind speed is 7 mph in south south-west direction.

Cumulus and Cirrocumulus clouds

In the image below taken at 11.23 AM local time, I believe we see the beginning of a Cirrus weather system. That is the splodge across the picture from top left to bottom right. These are high altitude clouds that in this situation looks more like the Cirrocumulus cloud type. The white clouds in the foreground are the ordinary low altitude Cumulus clouds.

Cirrus clouds under creation above Denmark at 11.23 AM local time

In the above photo, we are looking west. Wind speed is 13 mph in west south-west direction.

From Cirrocumulus to Cirrus clouds?

In the image below taken 20 minutes later at 11.43 AM local time, we see the actual Cirrus clouds have formed. They are the long strokes you see behind the Cumulus clouds in the lower left side of the photo. The rest of the clouds in the photo seem to be high altitude Cirrocumulus and a few low altitude Cumulus clouds that rushes past.

Cirrus clouds under creation above Denmark at 11.43 AM local time

In the above photo, we are looking west south-west. Wind speed is 15 mph in west south-west direction.

Photo gallery

See the weather history for Denmark (Vojens-Skrydstrup Air Base) on September 21, 2009

Camera used: Sony A-100 DSLR with a standard 18-75mm zoom lens

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