UFO pictures from Denmark

My UFO photos is about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) documented with high resolution DSLR photography. This is real UFO pictures from Denmark that reveals different types of flying vessels I cannot identify. In most cases I don´t see any objects in the sky during the photography. I discover them subsequently then I analyze the photos. I have shot more than 7000+ sky pictures since 2009 primarily in Odense city. A few of them prove to contain unknown or non-terrestrial flying machines. There is no manipulation of the photos other than basic image processing.
Real UFO pictures based on Authentic UFO photos
  • Horseshoe-shaped UFO (unidentified flying object)
    Horseshoe-shaped UFO (unidentified flying object) is a little strange thing in my photo. It looks horseshoe-shaped to me but it depends on the eyes who see. I did not see it during the photography so ...
  • Massive UFO / UAP photo sighting gallery (page 2)
    Massive UFO / UAP photo sighting gallery (page 2) links to 8 high resolution photos each with related objects shown in galleries. This document relates to its main article Massive UFO / UAP photo sighting ...

UFO pictures Category button

  • Unidentified bright light moving in the night sky
    Unidentified light moving in the night sky was visible in the viewfinder while looking through ...

UFO galleries Category button

  • Massive UFO / UAP photo sighting gallery (page 1)
    Massive UFO / UAP photo sighting gallery (page 1) links to 9 high resolution photos ...

UFO sightings Category button

  • Flying saucer appears above old UFO landing site
    Flying saucer appears above old UFO landing site is a continuation of UFO sighting, landing ...

UFO videos Category button

  • Unidentified bright light moving in the night sky
    Unidentified light moving in the night sky was visible in the viewfinder while looking through ...

Aliens Category button

  • UFO sighting, landing and alien contact
    UFO sighting, landing, and alien contact refer to a landing of an unknown craft and ...

Skyfish / Rods Category button

  • Skyfish/Rod photos (Rods in Denmark skies)
    Skyfish/Rod photos (Rods in Denmark skies), is a small collection of rods caught on photo ...

Research Category button

  • NASA Space Shuttle UFO Video Archive
    The NASA Space Shuttle UFO Video Archive represents a new level within ufology. High tech ...

Space Category button

  • Solar observatory spacecraft real-time coronagraphs
    Solar observatory spacecraft real-time coronagraphs shows the latest 48 hours worth of data available from ...

Meteorology Category button

  • Amazing Cirrus clouds invading the sky
    Amazing Cirrus clouds invading the sky presents a series of photos of the ...

Contrails Category button

  • Persistent contrails caused massive visual pollution
    Persistent contrails caused massive visual pollution above Denmark on September 18, 2009. Photos from Odense ...

Lens Flares Category button

  • Second Sun Solar Lens Flares not Planet X or Nibiru
    Second Sun Solar Lens Flares is about photos with spectacular solar-related lens flares that looks ...

News Category button

  • Kurt Russell Phoenix Lights UFO sighting / memory loss
    Kurt Russell´s Phoenix Lights UFO sighting and memory loss is about Kurt Russell´s experience ...

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