Grant Cameron and UFO Denmark visited AFU Sweden

Grant Cameron, a known UFO researcher from North America, and the board of UFO Denmark visited the Archives for the Unexplained (AFU) in Sweden May 2018. It was in relation to Grant Cameron´s lectures The Governments Knowledge of UFO´s in Denmark, that the Danish group took on a trip along with Grant Cameron to the neighboring country Sweden. The intent was to introduce Mr. Cameron for the AFU archive, which is one of the largest archives in the world with the unexplained. See videos further below.

The North American researcher Grant Cameron

Grant Cameron became involved in ufology back in 1975 after he had several sightings that occurred in Carman, Manitoba 25 miles north of the Canada/US border. He was not alone, hundreds of people sighted objects at the same time during a period of sightings in the area. And he has been searching the secret files in USA and Canada since then.

Mr. Cameron has lectured widely in North America about the 1975 Carman flap, the Canadian government’s investigations into flying saucers, disclosure politics, the Rockefeller Disclosure Initiative, and the Presidential ET connections.

Until today he has submitted about 100 FOIA requests to the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas, related to actions and policies in the two Presidential terms of Bill Clinton. Out of 100 FOIA requests, some has been released.

Today Mr. Cameron is well known for his research into US presidencies and unidentified flying objects – see, now where you also find the books he has written over the years.

Danish disclosure movement UFO Denmark

Grant Cameron was visiting his contacts in the Danish association UFO Denmark, which is part of the international disclosure movement. The association in Denmark, formerly known as “Exopolitics Denmark”, focuses mainly on promoting awareness of the existence of an extraterrestrial intelligence, and thereby also (in between the lines) the awareness of the possibility of revolutionary technologies for green conversion.

Instead of diving into the technical aspect of reporting and field investigation, which SUFOI takes care of, the Danish group concentrates on holding events and lectures about the UAP phenomenon. One of the first activities by the Danish group was a presentation by Gary Heseltine back in 2011. That event was quite a success and Danish media welcomed the English researcher with an interview and an article in two different newspapers – media coverage was just fine.

The Danish group continues in the same track with chairwoman Pia Knudsen and secretary Rune Weinrich, and this time they invited Grant Cameron to hold two lectures The Governments Knowledge of UFO´s, respectively in Copenhagen and Kolding (mentioned in JydskeVestkysten) early May 2018.

And while Grant Cameron was here, he and the Danish group took on a trip to the East, to one of the largest archives in the world located in Norrköping, Sweden, the Archives for the Unexplained (AFU)

Archives for the Unexplained (AFU) Sweden

The Archives for the Unexplained (AFU) in Sweden is a massive archive with a large amount of archived material. There is also a section with a large amount of material that has not yet been archived. AFU consists of a group of about 15 people. Their job is primarily to scan and archive UFO records, documents, clippings, photographs etc. they receive from around the world.

Take the tour below with Anders Liljegren, co-founder and administrative manager at AFU, and see the complete archive.

In the second video above we get a view into the collections that are coming into AFU. Anders Liljegren makes us aware of a collection from California that comes from Borderland Sciences Research Associates (BSRA) that they are working on right now.

Mr. Liljegren also makes us aware of a large collection of 130 boxes that came to them in 2017 from the United Kingdom, where 100 more boxes still are waiting for them. There´s a lot of work to do here, a lot of important work. I respect these guys, this is a goldmine for researchers and others that are interested in the paranormal and other unexplained phenomena.

Find out how you can support AFU here

Over 29.400 book titles in AFU library

In addition to the many UAP records, I was also pleasantly surprised by the many books they offer. They have a very large library of over 29.400 book titles about ufology, alien contacts, parapsychology, the occult etc.

The books are in different languages. Swedish, English, German, French, Danish, Norwegian, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese are some of them. And you can find things like Nikolas Tesla “Mina uppfinningar” in Swedish (Orig.: My inventions). I wonder if that is the one you can not buy via Amazon because of the authorities in the US?

Their library is indeed something I will take a closer look in the coming time.

UFO archives in the world

Archives for the Unexplained (AFU) is certainly one of the largest UAP archives in the world. AFU preserves a rich world-wide heritage of tons of paper archives, libraries, recordings, e-files and other materials related to unexplained phenomena.

Instead of me holding you back with talk, you should go there now – visit the AFU

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