Apocalyptic shelf cloud weather phenomenon pushed on in Denmark on July 12, 2010, above Odense city at 5.21 pm local time. I and my friend were in her colony garden when the awesome weather phenomenon came in. Later we had to seek shelter from the torrential rain that was clearly notified by the low-hanging apocalyptic shelf cloud.
A shelf cloud is a low-hanging typical well-defined and wedge-shaped formation that occurs along the edge of a gust front in a thunderstorm. But I do not recall we had a thunderstorm that day, only heavy rain shortly.
The shelf-cloud weather phenomenon was so close and so big that I could not have the whole cloud in one photo.
Apocalyptic shelf cloud weather phenomenon photo gallery
Here are the four photos I took of the apocalyptic shelf cloud. The photos do not represent the real size of the weather phenomenon. These articles about meteorology and contrails, in general, is not me trying to explain a lot of technical meteorological stuff. It is solely for the sake of the weather photos I want to show to the world.
Additional information
See the weather history for Denmark (Vojens-Skrydstrup Air Base) on July 12, 2010
Camera used: Sony A-100 DSLR with a standard 18-75mm zoom lens
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