Magnificent Cirrocumulus activity and Cirrus cloud system were captured on photography above Denmark on April 2, 2010. While helping my girlfriend in her colony garden in Odense city, I took pictures of the weather. And there was a lot of Cirrocumulus cloud activity above us. This type of cloud system can create a magnificent sight with its sophisticated fine-meshed patterns.
Image above was taken at 03:14 PM local time and shows the Cirrocumulus clouds. Windspeed 24 mph. The picture was processed with Auto Contrast in Adobe Photoshop.
Magnificent Cirrocumulus cloud activity
It is not every day you see Cirrocumulus weather systems. The cloud type is composed of very small elements and consists of supercooled water below freezing and ice crystals.
Image above was taken at 03:14 PM local time and shows the Cirrocumulus clouds. Windspeed 24 mph. The picture was processed with Auto Contrast in Adobe Photoshop.
Cirrus clouds and Cumulus
Cirrus clouds with their long strokes and Cumulus clouds beneath.
Image above was taken at 04:05 PM local time and shows the Cirrocumulus clouds. Windspeed 21 mph. The picture was processed with Auto Contrast in Adobe Photoshop.
Cirrus or unknown type of cloud?
The beautifully laid out cloud below is what I believe a small Cirrus cloud section. I am not 100% sure. The cloud chart on NWS does not have this type of cloud. This could also be the fragments of an aviation contrail maybe.
Image above was taken at 04:30 PM local time and shows what I think could be Cirrus clouds. Windspeed 22 mph. The picture was processed with Auto Contrast in Adobe Photoshop.
Cirrocumulus and Cirrus clouds photo gallery
See the weather history for Denmark (Vojens-Skrydstrup Air Base) on April 2, 2010
Camera used: Sony A-100 DSLR with a standard 18-75mm zoom lens
Related reading
- Rapidly changing weather brought different cloud types (photos)
- Odd contrail-cloud (Sylph) development captured on photography
- Massive contrail expansion with mysterious visitor
- Altocumulus fallstreak punch hole not round but linear?
- Sylph contrail-cloud captured on photography
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