Small cloud-like UFOs speeding through the sky captured on video

Several small cloud-like UFOs speeding through the sky were captured on video in Denmark, Odense on May 26, 2024 just after 5 pm. When I play the video clips in a regular video player, the objects are indistinct or invisible. The speeding clouds was first discovered while scanning through each frame of the videos, picture by picture.

Cloud UFO speeding through the sky

Above picture shows a still of one of the cloud-like UFOs while it was speeding across the sky. This one is the most distinct one seen in a sequence of only 11 frames. In this animation based on these 11 original images, the object can be seen zoomed and fixed in the middle of the frame while it shoots through the sky with 0 seconds interval.

You can also see the full-frame animation with 28 frames where the object comes in from above mid right and chases downwards and disappears at the right side of the frame very fast. The full resolution frames (1920×1088 pixels) are played back with 0 seconds interval and shows the real speed of this cloudy UFO.

In the same full-frame animation as above you also see another more indistinct object that travels through the sky from top left to bottom right. Furthermore I made the same animation with 0,2 seconds interval. Both objects are indicated by black arrows but are not following a precise straight line, but other objects do almost perfectly.

Some cloud UFOs follow an almost exact straight line

One of the things that I notice is whether these objects follow a straight line or just flutter around with the wind. I have two examples of these cloud UFOs that follow an almost perfectly straight line through the sky.

The first one is seen coming in from top left and follows a near perfect straight line all the way down to bottom left where it disappears again. I have made the two animations based on 22 frames in the list below with both authentic speed (0 seconds interval) and slowed down movement (0,5 seconds interval).

  • UFO cloud animation 0 seconds interval see here (authentic speed)
  • UFO cloud animation 0,5 seconds interval see here (slowed down speed)
  • Zoomed version close-up on object authentic speed here

Cloud UFO transforms to different shapes while flying

The second one is the most interesting cloud UFO since it is not really round but changes shape while speeding fast through the sky. The shape of the UFO seems to transform to different shapes while flying. The zoomed version below are based on 22 frames that are played back at 0,2 seconds interval.

UFO cloud changes shape while flying

The transforming UFO comes in from top left corner and follows a near exact straight line and disappears at the middle of the right edge of the frame. The first animation in the list below is shown with authentic speed, the other one has movement slowed down to 0,2 seconds interval.

  • Transforming UFO with authentic speed here
  • Transforming UFO with slowed down speed here

Video recording equipment used to capture the cloud UFOs

I used my Canon EOS 90D DSLR on a tripod as video equipment to capture the cloud UFOs. I brought the camera to a slope of approx. 27-28 degrees pointing up in the sky, set the lens to 70mm zoom and began shooting small one-minute videos. I made 28 video clips in total and on four of them these small cloud UFOs appeared.

The camera was set to record in standard mode with automatic focus adjustment while recording. It seems that these small cloud-like objects was detected by the camera’s auto focus very well. But the distance to the small objects made them a bit blurred too.

They are some way up in the sky and therefore not directly in front of the camera. If they were passing directly in front of the camera they would pass by very fast and will only be visible on 2, 3 or 4 frames. But here I have cloud UFOs travelling across the whole frame width with a frame rate up to 28 frames. Something strange are flying high up under the clouds, but the distance is unknown.

Basic sighting data

  • Denmark, Odense May 26, 2024 between 5.16 – 5.24 pm
  • Compass direction: West
  • Wind direction: West, North-West source
  • Camera position: Denmark, Odense
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